Showing 13 Result(s)
Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life TV/FILM

Gleeking out about Hometown Love with Chris Colfer

This is the story about the meeting of two people who live in Los Angeles, yet, whose parents still live in Clovis, CA. One of these two just so happens to be a critically-acclaimed actor on FOX’s hit show, Glee. The other is…me. Here’s the thing. I’m not a Gleek (translation: Glee geek.) I’ve watched …

Blog Posts COMEDY Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life

Black Comedy and…Eddie Winslow?!

Q. What happens when Samia Khan tags along with her friend Jessica Berry to a comedy show at the J-Spot in Inglewood? A. Samia realizes she has less street cred than she thought (i.e.: They’re playing a rap song, she goes “Why aren’t they playing 2 Chainz?!” and her friend points out …“Samia, this IS 2 Chainz.”) B. …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life SPORTS

Selling Out @ the ESPY Awards After Party

This is a story about a girl who ends up “selling out” because she wanted to appear like she belonged at the ESPY Awards after party…(beyond just looking like a Basketball Wife.) And yes, that girl would be me. Samia Khan. Now, before you gossip-lovers jump to conclusions that I got wasted or hooked up …

Blog Posts COMEDY Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life

A Legendary Run-In with SuperModel Chrissy Teigen

“Hi…um, I follow you on Twitter, so it’s totally acceptable that I followed you into the bathroom, right?” The aforementioned quote? ALMOST actually stated, as a “pickup” line (on a girl, mind you)… So here’s the deal. I’m at the Hollywood Improv to check out a few friends (Jonny Loquasto and Grant Cotter) who are …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life Music

Testing DJ Reflex’s…Reflexes

“DJ Reflex is one of the most influential players in the LA music scene as a tastemaker DJ, producer and entertainment entrepreneur. Credited for breaking acts from Kanye West, Lady Gaga to John Legend, he has made a name for himself not only as an accomplished celebrity DJ, but as a businessman with an undeniable …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life POP CULTURE TV/FILM

D’oh! Eat My Shorts. Ay Caramba.

I don’t know about you but I love The Simpsons. Like, if there’s one TV-Dad who raised me, it’s Homer Simpson. (Danny Tanner comes in a close second.) Anyway, The Simpsons were honored in the postage world with commemorative stamps, released on May 7th. The “official” release function was at the FOX Studios lot in …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces LA Life Music

I got 99 Problems…But Getting into a Party Isn’t One. Jay-Z/Eminem Private Concert.

Jay-Z. Eminem. Together…on the same stage. Yes, it happened weeks ago, but I’ve been on blogging hiatus and instead of recapping older events and going chronologically, I’d rather talk about the most exciting one. June 1st. 2009. So basically it’s the launch of “DJ Hero,” a new videogame like Guitar Hero…well, without the guitars. DJ …