Showing 10 Result(s)
Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life SPORTS

Selling Out @ the ESPY Awards After Party

This is a story about a girl who ends up “selling out” because she wanted to appear like she belonged at the ESPY Awards after party…(beyond just looking like a Basketball Wife.) And yes, that girl would be me. Samia Khan. Now, before you gossip-lovers jump to conclusions that I got wasted or hooked up …

Blog Posts Entertainment Khantemplations Lifestyle Relationships SPORTS

You Got Played: Which NBA Team is He?

The other day, I told someone they got played… specifically saying something to the extent of… “He played you like a Laker.” (Loose summary: she had high hopes, was let down in the end… yeah, you get it.) Then, because my mind works in a very tangential sense, I started trailing off and next thing …

Blog Posts Khanversations POP CULTURE SPORTS

Now I’m Feelin’ so Fly Like a G-…John Salley?!

What happens when two brown girls walk into a Far East Movement party? It’s like a blizzard. Okay, not really, but I wanted to incorporate the lyrics of the group’s most popular (albeit lyrically confusing) song, “Like a G6.” Anyway. Far East Movement. In case the “Far East” part of their name didn’t give it …

Blog Posts Entertainment Khantemplations Music SPORTS

How Metta World Peace’s Daughter, Diamond, Inspires Me

FIRST LISTEN HERE: Diamond Artest – “Fighter” [ Exclusive] I’d never been inspired by an eight-year-old until I got an email from Metta World Peace (yes, the basketball player formerly known as Ron Artest.) Sure, I had been inspired by the tweenage Justin Bieber when watching “Never Say Never” – but never someone under the age of …

Blog Posts Famous Faces Khanversations SPORTS

My Spur of the Moment Dinner w Bruce Bowen

What happens when you @mention a former NBA player on Twitter, who just so happens to have gone to your high school? You end up becoming Twitter friends and getting dinner the next time he’s in town. First things first… the NBA player? Bruce Bowen (most notable for winning three NBA championships in the early …

Blog Posts COMEDY Famous Faces Khanversations SPORTS

Ron Artest: From Ballin’ to Bawlin (from Laughter)

Knock knock. Who’s there? Ron Artest. Ron Artest who? Ron Artest the comedian. Okay okay, I know that wasn’t the best joke you’ve ever heard… but um, that’s because it’s not a joke. It’s reality (funny reality, albeit.) So as any basketball fan knows, the NBA is locked out. As a result, basketball players are …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces LA Life Music

I got 99 Problems…But Getting into a Party Isn’t One. Jay-Z/Eminem Private Concert.

Jay-Z. Eminem. Together…on the same stage. Yes, it happened weeks ago, but I’ve been on blogging hiatus and instead of recapping older events and going chronologically, I’d rather talk about the most exciting one. June 1st. 2009. So basically it’s the launch of “DJ Hero,” a new videogame like Guitar Hero…well, without the guitars. DJ …