Gasp! A whole week, and no blog post?! Fret not, friends…I did write, just not for this blog (I know! It’s like I cheated on myself or something.) Check out a piece I wrote for MTV Voices on how Ramadan affects one’s “dating” life, “How to Lose A Guy in 30 Days” (shout-out to comedian Aman …
You Got Played: Which NBA Team is He?
The other day, I told someone they got played… specifically saying something to the extent of… “He played you like a Laker.” (Loose summary: she had high hopes, was let down in the end… yeah, you get it.) Then, because my mind works in a very tangential sense, I started trailing off and next thing …
Jerry Seinfeld: My Relationship Ref
Growing up, I wasn’t allowed to watch Seinfeld. In fact, you’d typically hear my mom saying, “Samia, go to your room!” whenever my older brother was watching this (or Friends. I was also sent to my room when my dad watched “90210” and “Melrose Place.” Don’t ask me why my dad chose the programming he …