Showing 16 Result(s)
Blog Posts Famous Faces

Attack of the…Umami Burger

So, fate had it that I ended up at LA-trendy-burger joint Umami Burger the other night (thought trendy and burger in my opinion should contradict eachother.) Umami, being a “trendy” place, obviously had a wait. Yes, 12-dollar-burgers (no sides included) are wait-worthy…when you’re expensing your meal. So, I waited. And in that waiting period, I …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music Social Media TV/FILM

“Crash” Course on Jocko Sims

Yes… it’s another tweet about…ME. First it was Rob Thomas, and next? One of the stars of “Crash” on Starz Channel, Jocko Sims. Jocko plays Anthony Adams aka Panic, Dennis Hopper’s right hand man in the show. There, he plays an aspiring hip hop artist. What’s kinda cool? Reality sort of imitates art. In fact, …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music

It’s 3am, I Must be Lonely… Or, Hanging with Rob Thomas.

Hanging out at the Raffles L’Ermitage – this swanky suite in Bev Hills. Meet Rob Thomas, we sit down, what do we do? Immediately tweet. Yes. Tweet. Of course I @reply-him, and his response? He twitters about me. This is kind of a big deal. I think this is the moment where Twitter officially beats …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music TV/FILM

Snoop D-O-Double-G “Shoot-izzle”

Snoop film’s his MTV variety show, “Dogg After Dark,” on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Kress in Hollywood. Megan and I were there on Wednesday, waiting to interview him for Hollywood 411. In the hour we waited, the one thing we most noticed were the scantily-clad extras…. SO Hollywood. By that I mean… I guarantee at …