Showing 7 Result(s)
Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music POP CULTURE Social Media

Impossible to Meet Bieber?…Never Say Never.

What does an Extra correspondent, Diddy’s son, and a tech trade show have in common? Um. They all helped contribute to one of my life goals…a conversation with Justin Bieber (maybe not a LIFE goal, but at least something that 13-year-old SK would think was really dope.) The trade show? CES in Las Vegas. I …

Blog Posts Entertainment Khantemplations POP CULTURE Social Media

GUIDE: Becoming Internet Famous

YOUtube. No, not MyTube. Not YourTube. Not…okay I’ll stop, this is clearly a really crappy attempt at a joke. Anyway. Four years ago, I used YouTube as a way to get a job…in the “I’m gonna upload these random news reporting clips from college and send private links to potential employers in the hopes that …

Blog Posts Famous Faces

Attack of the…Umami Burger

So, fate had it that I ended up at LA-trendy-burger joint Umami Burger the other night (thought trendy and burger in my opinion should contradict eachother.) Umami, being a “trendy” place, obviously had a wait. Yes, 12-dollar-burgers (no sides included) are wait-worthy…when you’re expensing your meal. So, I waited. And in that waiting period, I …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music

It’s 3am, I Must be Lonely… Or, Hanging with Rob Thomas.

Hanging out at the Raffles L’Ermitage – this swanky suite in Bev Hills. Meet Rob Thomas, we sit down, what do we do? Immediately tweet. Yes. Tweet. Of course I @reply-him, and his response? He twitters about me. This is kind of a big deal. I think this is the moment where Twitter officially beats …