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Blog Posts COMEDY Khanversations Music POP CULTURE

One Joe Jonas & a Side of Chipotle Mayo

Look. I’m a sucker for boy bands and anything 13-year-old girls like. I’m currently addicted to Carly Rae Jespen’s “Call Me Maybe” and have been known to watch Nickelodeon’s “iCarly” onDemand. Needless to say, as I was sitting at the bar at Birds in Franklin Village, catching up with the oh-so-dreamy Manish Dayal of 9021O …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music

I’m so 3008, You so 2000 and Late… Hanging with the Black Eyed Peas Fergie. Two guys whose name you probably don’t know. Collectively, known as the Black Eyed Peas. For laziness-sake, I’ll refer to them in this post as “BEP.” As I mentioned on Facebook and Twitter, I covered KIIS-FM’s Wango Tango concert on Saturday the 9th on behalf of TV Guide Network… However, I will not …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music

He Told me to Walk This Way…My Steven Tyler “Incident”

Aerosmith is one of the bands you kinda always heard growing up. I mean even if your parents were foreign and didn’t listen to American music, you still probably had heard Steven Tyler’s distinct vocals on either “Walk this Way,” “Dream On,” “Cryin’” or “Crazy.” (And if you were living under rock during most of …