Showing 6 Result(s)
Blog Posts Entertainment Khantemplations POP CULTURE

Crying a River over Justin Timberlake’s Marriage

It’s been a rough weekend for myself and many other 20-something women. And no guys, it has nothing to do with PMS.  It has to with…this: Yes. So many hearts broken, so many dreams shattered. But, as an optimist always believes, there’s an upside to every moment of sadness. In this case? An inspiration for …

Blog Posts Khantemplations Social Media

Facebook: The Mutual Friend Blessing…and Curse

Dear Facebook Mobile App, Thank you for providing me with a guaranteed ice breaker everytime I meet someone new. Sincerely, Samia Khan, Social Media Addict OK so I have this rule. If we hang out for at least 15 minutes, and we interact to the extent to which I know your name,  I will then care enough …

Blog Posts Famous Faces Khanversations SPORTS

It’s Hannah Time!! (Get it?!)

Before I continue…yes, the title of this blog post is a reference to an early-90’s, multi-hit-wonder-of-a-rapper who went bankrupt. Don’t judge me. Please continue reading… How many Winter Olympians are you Facebook friends with? OK now how many of those actually have a gold and silver medal? Now whether I’m really friends with snowboarder Hannah …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music

It’s 3am, I Must be Lonely… Or, Hanging with Rob Thomas.

Hanging out at the Raffles L’Ermitage – this swanky suite in Bev Hills. Meet Rob Thomas, we sit down, what do we do? Immediately tweet. Yes. Tweet. Of course I @reply-him, and his response? He twitters about me. This is kind of a big deal. I think this is the moment where Twitter officially beats …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music

A Band You SHOULD be Listening To….

…If you don’t already. Their name? Chester French. I was introduced to the band a few years ago, thanks to one of my high school favorites, Chuka Ugwu-Oju. Max Drummey, half of the Chester French duo, is Chuka’s friend. It was actually Max who kept me entertained while I was out in Massachusetts interviewing for …