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Daddy Issues: What My TV Fathers Taught Me

Happy Father’s Day! I don’t know about you, but I spent most of my childhood (the 90’s) in front of a television set. In fact, I actually once told Simpsons-creator Matt Groening that Homer Simpson raised me (he looked at me with a little bit of concern, as if his eyes were saying, “D’oh!” Not …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life POP CULTURE TV/FILM

D’oh! Eat My Shorts. Ay Caramba.

I don’t know about you but I love The Simpsons. Like, if there’s one TV-Dad who raised me, it’s Homer Simpson. (Danny Tanner comes in a close second.) Anyway, The Simpsons were honored in the postage world with commemorative stamps, released on May 7th. The “official” release function was at the FOX Studios lot in …