Blog Posts Famous Faces

Greg Finley: The Wright Look

Greg Finley. Six feet tall, New England-born, basketball-loving, Hanes wearing (yes I saw them), Simply Orange-drinking actor most known for his role on “The Secret Life of the American Teenager.”

As for his secret life? Well… I hung out with him for a few hours as he posed for the Fall 2010 Michael Wright Collection, so I think I have at least a few “secrets” uncovered.

First off, maybe it’s no secret, but he’s super sweet. Surprisingly. Most attractive people (according to what you see in TV and movies) are entitled to be self-involved and fake nice. He was the real deal.

He loves his hip-hop.  When you’re doing a photo shoot, ya gotta be in the mood. His mood-setting tunes?  Lots of Jay-Z, Kanye’s “Amazing”, Rihanna’s “G4L” and more. I suggested Britney. I don’t think he was having it. He actually told me that he “really vibes with rappers.” Maybe it’s the whole struggle thing? (Fun… ok well, not-so-fun fact? He lived outta his car when he first moved out to LA. Cliché, sure. Inspiring moreso.) I tried to relate. “I love the Drake line, ‘Everybody got a deal I did it without one.’” He agreed. Later in the day, “Big Poppa” came on. He got excited. Which prompted me to ask his thoughts on Diddy rapping. He paused. Said he can’t hate, and that he’s a good producer.

Greg’s a sneaker head. In fact, his shoes actually sparked conversation when I first got there (I noticed a few boxes and had to ask.) He brought a couple pairs of Nikes and a pair of Creative Recs to the shoot. Had he brought his whole collection? Um…he has over 100 pairs of shoes, so that would be a lot of boxes. We talk about shoe faves, like the Jordan 11s (as he refers to them, the Oreos) and the Easter egg Nikes (not gonna lie, I didn’t know what he was talking about here. But, I played along.)

Chicago Bulls colors!

Basketball is his life.  I try to test this claim, and thus ask him if he’s been to the Basketball Hall of Fame. His response? “In Springfield, Mass?” So yeah, he’s been there many times. However, not since they put up the new Michael Jordan exhibit (which I checked out last year) so I think that means I’m ahead.

So far, he sounds like another JTimberlake, at least in terms of interests. Then, I see the tattoos . Obviously we’re at a photo shoot. Thus, clothes were removed. As a result (sigh) I checked out his tats. One to note? Fair haired warrior on his upper left arm – (it’s what his last name “Finley” means.)

Hopefully this isn’t a “secret”

However, we were at a photo shoot for a clothing line, so let’s cut the “shirtless” talk and address the reason we were there in the first place – the Michael Wright Collection.  The look? “Bring your grandma to the modern day” with yarn-inspired shirts and hoodies.  I totally wanted to steal the grey hoodie below.

So. If you’re into basketball, or hip-hop, or sneakers, or yarn, check out the Michael Wright Collection. And if you’re into guys that like basketball, or hip-hop, or sneakers, or yarn, check out Greg Finley.

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