What happens when you’re a guest on a radio show, you discuss your favorite radio station and an artist they feature (hence why you love it), and then you fly to Vegas two days later?!? Um. You meet said-artist in the airport, and he invites you to his house.
Unfortunately, the artist I was talking about wasn’t Justin Timberlake. Or Usher. Or even Fred Durst (don’t know who that is? You won’t know this next guy either, then.)
The artist I’m referring to is Coolio. The radio station he’s on? 90’s on 9 (it’s on Sirius XM satellite radio.) I’m assuming most of my readers are my age, and thus, love the 90’s as much as I do (see Topanga blog post for more.)

Coolio was wearing a Honey Smacks shirt. He had matching Honey Smacks jeans. His shoes? White Rockports. I wasn’t sure if he was sponsored by Kelloggs, or if he was trying to be.

He flew coach. US Airways. Obviously he’s running low on Gangsta’s Paradise residuals…or just being relatable? You decide.
He lives in Vegas. Asked my friend Katie if she was into older men (am I slightly offended that he didn’t hit on me? Kind of.) He told us to join him at his Las Vegas house. Part of me was intrigued (the blogging part.) Part of me was terrified (the normal young single female part.) In the end, we didn’t go to Coolio’s house. However, I now have a nice/creepy memory everytime I listen to 90’s on 9… and a new blog post.

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sounds like a Fantastic Voyage.
(i’m the guy w/ the radio show, all.)
i’ve been meaning to blog about ’90s on 9 for quite some time now. i love it. but musically, it’s my least favorite of the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s. yet it’s the best station. i’ve got a theory. stay tuned. no pun intended.
“We can afford the same flights.” hilare.
PS – i flew with Hammer a few years ago. and then proceeded to run into him two more times. and he remembered me. – RS
“i’m like a hammer that you hold in your hand – i make hits.” – “Nothing,” N.O.R.E.
Said friend Katie here. I totally vouch for this haha
[…] So here’s the deal. We’re late to a “Taboo Shows Off His New Sneaker Line” event at Mandalay Bay in Vegas. But, as someone who doesn’t give up (or well, I’d like to believe that) we go anyway. (Side note: the “we” in this story is myself and Katie Colleton, same Katie who was referenced in the last post from Vegas about 90′s-fave, Coolio.) […]