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Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music POP CULTURE TV/FILM

Not so Smiley Miley

[youtube=] I spent the early part of Saturday doing what all 13-year-old girls dream of – talking to Miley Cyrus. She was it at the Grove, doing a book signing at Barnes and Noble. There were a handful of media outlets there – and as Miley went down the line, one by one, I realized …

Blog Posts COMEDY Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations TV/FILM

Hanging out with Russell Brand…

I Love British Accents. Needless to say, producing a shoot with British comic/actor/host/author Russell Brand was well, “lovely.” Post-interview, I asked if he’d be in Pirates of the Caribbean 4, because well, he could totally pull off the whole pirate thing…and I’d heard rumors about him playing Johnny Depp’s brother. He said probably not, he’s …