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Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces LA Life Music

I got 99 Problems…But Getting into a Party Isn’t One. Jay-Z/Eminem Private Concert.

Jay-Z. Eminem. Together…on the same stage. Yes, it happened weeks ago, but I’ve been on blogging hiatus and instead of recapping older events and going chronologically, I’d rather talk about the most exciting one. June 1st. 2009. So basically it’s the launch of “DJ Hero,” a new videogame like Guitar Hero…well, without the guitars. DJ …

Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations Music POP CULTURE SPORTS TV/FILM

12 Seasons in the Making…

I have like 4-5 other “Khanversation Piece”-worthy stories, but this one can’t wait. OK so, as most of you already know (because of a certain facebook picture/status/tweet,) I met Kobe Bryant yesterday. More specifically, Alecia and I did set visit to a production stage in LA, where Kobe Bryant was taping a segment for Sesame …