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Blog Posts Entertainment Khantemplations Lifestyle Relationships SPORTS

You Got Played: Which NBA Team is He?

The other day, I told someone they got played… specifically saying something to the extent of… “He played you like a Laker.” (Loose summary: she had high hopes, was let down in the end… yeah, you get it.) Then, because my mind works in a very tangential sense, I started trailing off and next thing …

Blog Posts Famous Faces Khanversations SPORTS

It’s Hannah Time!! (Get it?!)

Before I continue…yes, the title of this blog post is a reference to an early-90’s, multi-hit-wonder-of-a-rapper who went bankrupt. Don’t judge me. Please continue reading… How many Winter Olympians are you Facebook friends with? OK now how many of those actually have a gold and silver medal? Now whether I’m really friends with snowboarder Hannah …