"Samia Says" Blog Posts Entertainment Khantroversies Music

VIDEO: Photos of Chris Brown vs Drake, PLUS…Choose Your Team!

Chris Brown and Drake’s crews allegedly got into a fight at a NYC club – and now the news is everywhere – but no one is taking the blame!
So I created a completely subjective guide on how to decide whose side you should be on – TeamBreezy (Chris Brown) or TeamDrizzy (Drake)… based on things like Degrassi, Twitter, who has a better website, Think Like A Man, the word YOLO, and more! And of course there’s always TeamIDontGiveAF—, for those of you with better things to do with your lives than care about celebrity drama.

Watch video below, and check out the full blog post HERE!

[youtube id=”4QWU6Cj1t-c” width=”600″ height=”350″]


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