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IS This It?? One Step Closer to Michael Jackson.

Alex Al
Michael Jackson's Bassist

Alex Al… never heard of him? Well even if you haven’t, he has a pretty cool name, so that warrants a blog entry in itself.

But no in all seriousness, you may not know him, but if you’re one of the thousands that have checked out MJ’s concert movie, “This is It,” you’ve at least seen him. He was Michael Jackson’s (RIP) bassist. He also writes and produces music, and as if MJ wasn’t a big enough deal, he’s also worked with the likes of Christina Aguilera and Usher.

I recently did a sit-down interview with him at a music studio out in Burbank.

Before I continue… I must say, if I haven’t already, that I love music.

So, waiting around in a music studio? Heaven! I love the music industry and if I could find a way to combine my loves -music and television news (*cough*MTVNews*cough*,) I’d be absolutely content professionally (well at least til age 30.)

Anyway, I roamed around the halls, took photos of various posters of artists who have worked there (part of me squealed when I discovered Eminem had done work here,) and discovered that the band in the studio next door were rehearsing for… *gasp!* The Backstreet Boys.


Eminemchris rock

OK so back to AA (Alex Al.)We chat for a minute on cam (err…15 or so to be exact,) he tells me random Michael Jackson stories (MJ used to pray in Jesus’ name during every practice, the last thing AA said to MJ was “man we’re here for you, we just love you,” and that he found out about his death while sitting in traffic on the 101 on the way to rehearsal at Staples…) and then we end up chatting off cam for quite a while because he says that he can genuinely tell that I love music (I take this as a compliment.)

I discover that he and a handful of other talented musicians are part of George Lopez’s band for his upcoming late night show – super cool, right? It kinda explains why this make-shift parking spot was outside…

george lopez
I expected a better "Reserved Spot" sign
George Lopez's future band rehearsing

After our side chat, Alex Al kinda makes my day– he wanted to take a picture with ME! Yes. Not the other way around. He had said something about how I was gonna be a big deal someday? Haha, clearly I was flattered.

Anyway…it was a fun convo. The future of Alex Al? I can’t say. As far as our new friendship? Who knows. I’ll be looking for him when I see “This is It” and well, if I ever catch an episode of George Lopez’s new show.

me and aa
SK and AA... future BFFs??

(1) Comment

  1. I like lady gaga, she is everyone favourite artist

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