Wendy Williams defines sass. Seriously.
I recently went shopping with her at LA boutique Diavolina, and wow… she…inspires me?
OK so maybe I’m not like 6 feet tall and I’m not a black woman who has had years in the radio business, is rapped about in many a song, or wears a wig, BUT! I do aspire to be a tv conversationalist, and since she has a talk show, she’s definitely worth looking up to.
What I liked most about her was that she’s really all about being herself… she’s not gonna front like she’s a size 0, she’s open about her need for lycra/spandex, and why stripes and small accessories are a no-go when you’re Wendy Williams-sized. I respect that. Because honestly, there’s thousands of people out there (myself included) that freak out if their pant size ever gets higher than a 2, and Wendy just doesn’t care. I mean I guess if Oprah can do it, Wendy can too?
Fun Wendy facts? Shopping is super difficult, it’s not her thing. She usually lets stylists handle it. She loves animal prints, because it hides stains (she has a 9-year-old son. He apparently stains Wendy’s clothes.) And when it comes to shoes? NOT easy. She LOVES her high heels (you’ll never see her in flats unless she’s at the airport) but the problem is she’s got big feet… size 12 to be exact. Obviously this complicates things, especially when you’re talking glam shoes. She also has this foot issue… “side meat?” Eeek, yes it sounds a little weird, but I get it. She has wide feet. And certain dainty shoes just won’t fit.
Oh and funniest moment ever? Her buying this super cute black shirt/dress, keeping in mind the fact that she’d be at Mr. Chow’s in Beverly Hills that night, and well, the TMZ cameras await… ah, the life of a celebrity.
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