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Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khanversations LA Life SPORTS

Selling Out @ the ESPY Awards After Party

This is a story about a girl who ends up “selling out” because she wanted to appear like she belonged at the ESPY Awards after party…(beyond just looking like a Basketball Wife.) And yes, that girl would be me. Samia Khan. Now, before you gossip-lovers jump to conclusions that I got wasted or hooked up …

Blog Posts COMEDY Khanversations Music POP CULTURE

One Joe Jonas & a Side of Chipotle Mayo

Look. I’m a sucker for boy bands and anything 13-year-old girls like. I’m currently addicted to Carly Rae Jespen’s “Call Me Maybe” and have been known to watch Nickelodeon’s “iCarly” onDemand. Needless to say, as I was sitting at the bar at Birds in Franklin Village, catching up with the oh-so-dreamy Manish Dayal of 9021O …