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"Samia Says" Blog Posts Entertainment Famous Faces Khantemplations POP CULTURE Social Media

“Everybody Got a Deal, I Did it Without One”

Someone told me that in the future, people won’t have 15 minutes of fame… they’ll have 15 gigabytes of fame.[1] And sure, everyone thinks they can be “Internet Famous” (it’s really not that hard to open a Twitter account, start a blog, or post a video on YouTube.) But to do it right, it takes …

Blog Posts Entertainment Khantemplations POP CULTURE Social Media

GUIDE: Becoming Internet Famous

YOUtube. No, not MyTube. Not YourTube. Not…okay I’ll stop, this is clearly a really crappy attempt at a joke. Anyway. Four years ago, I used YouTube as a way to get a job…in the “I’m gonna upload these random news reporting clips from college and send private links to potential employers in the hopes that …

Blog Posts Khantemplations Social Media

Facebook: The Mutual Friend Blessing…and Curse

Dear Facebook Mobile App, Thank you for providing me with a guaranteed ice breaker everytime I meet someone new. Sincerely, Samia Khan, Social Media Addict OK so I have this rule. If we hang out for at least 15 minutes, and we interact to the extent to which I know your name,  I will then care enough …