Look. I’m a sucker for boy bands and anything 13-year-old girls like. I’m currently addicted to Carly Rae Jespen’s “Call Me Maybe” and have been known to watch Nickelodeon’s “iCarly” onDemand. Needless to say, as I was sitting at the bar at Birds in Franklin Village, catching up with the oh-so-dreamy Manish Dayal of 9021O …
Hit the Lights…or uh, the Road…with Jay Sean
So I tagged along with Jay to document some behind-the-scenes action for him while he’s on the road with Joe Jonas. However… as some of you know, I’ve also started vlogging myself! So here’s my own perspective on what life following Jay Sean around is like… (warning: lots of screaming girls involved.)
[youtube id=”1azfjeU_p6g” width=”600″ height=”350″]
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